Who Are We?


We are currently in vacancy and are seeking an ordained minister to join us in our work in Wigan.

The Elders

In the United Reformed Church, the eldership of a local congregation is a significant ministry – the Elders share responsibility, with the Minister of Word and Sacraments, for the spiritual oversight of the congregation. The Elders’ meeting is intended to be a distinctive and vital part of every URC congregation – with the Elders collectively possessing the abilities, skills and spiritual gifts of leadership and pastoral care.

At Trinity our Elders are elected and ordained to serve for a period. They meet Monthly to share in leadership of the church and prayer for the community. They each have a group of church members and friends who they keep in touch with so that help can be offered and prayer be more focussed.

The elders have a WhatsApp group to facilitate prayer requests and actions needed

Between these meetings they organise different roles for our Sunday Worship. They welcome everyone into church and help to serve communion.

From our Elders a Church Secretary is chosen and he/she acts as the main contact with the Minister, the elders and the congregation.

Our Elders are:

Trish Reilly is our Church Secretary

Chris Mangham also chairs the Management Group that meets separately.

Tony Currie also serves on the Management Group

Jenny Birchall is our magazine editor and also acts as line manager for our Family Worker

Lesley Lowe is our Minutes Secretary

Katrina Peet